Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Dirty Deeds and the Thunder Chief

Recognize that line? For years I thought that the chorus to AC/DC's hit song Dirty Deeds was "dirty deeds and the thunder chief". It wasn't until a few years ago that I found out it is actually "dirty deeds and their done dirt cheap". Imagine my disappointment. I thought the 'Thunder Chief' sounded kind of hot. LOL Which is probably totally NOT what AC/DC was going for, I am certain.

But it doesn't stop there - I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who wondered why in the world Manfred Mann was singing about a douche in the song Blinded by the Light. I now know the line in the song reads "blinded by the light, revved up like a deuce, another runner in the night" but I STILL hear the word 'douche' in place of 'deuce'.

Bonnie Tyler's hit Total Eclipse of the Heart was one of my favorite songs once upon a time - I still love it, actually. But it took years before I figured out that 'pollygag' was actually 'powderkeg' in the line "we're living in a powderkeg and giving off sparks".

Of course, the most infamous misheard lyric ever is probably from Jimi Hendrix's Purple Haze. "Scuse me, while I kiss this guy" is what many people heard - still hear. The line is actually "Scuse me, while I kiss the sky", but it is rumored that Jimi Hendrix was known to fool around a bit with that line, feeding the 'misheard' lyric.

One of my favorite websites gets its name from that particular misheard lyric: Sounds kind of dirty, right? But it is one of the net's most long-lived archive of misheard song lyrics. Visitors to the site can submit their own misheard lyrics to be enjoyed by all who come. Or you can simply have a good laugh browsing through the crazy lines posted by the rest of us fools! LOL

So c'mon, sock it to me. Share some of your favorite misheard song lyrics in the comments here... You know you want to!