Friday, January 30, 2009

For those touched by adoption

Eighteen years ago, I gave birth to my daughter, who I gave to another family for adoption. I’ve never met her or her parents, but I think of them constantly, especially on her birthday, January 30.

The decision was a hard one to make, but it was the right one for everyone concerned. That doesn’t stop me loving her and thinking of her constantly. More difficult were the years when I had to keep her existence a secret. Once I was able to open up about it, it has been far easier to deal with my decision.

Unfortunately, there are so many who cannot be open about their own situation. For them, as much as for myself and my daughter, I have written an open letter to my child for the last few years and posted it on my blog. She may never see these letters, but if they can help another child who has been adopted, another birth mother dealing with the pain of missing her child, or the adopted family who possibly wonder about the woman who gave them their most treasured blessing, then the writing of these letters is more than worthwhile.

I’ve posted this year’s letter for her birthday today. If you are interested in the topic, you can find it here:

Thanks for listening.